Getting The Most Benefit From Your Tape-In Hair Extensions On Your Wedding Day And Beyond

If your wedding day is coming soon and, and like most brides, you've been planning for this day for years, looking your best is likely to be of the utmost importance. One option to consider is the use of hair extensions to provide extra length or volume to your hair. Unfortunately, early incarnations of hair extensions often got a bad reputation, and you might not know how easy it is now to care for and wear qualityhair extensions.

Sulking Over Stretch Marks? Here Are Five Ways To Deal With Them Effectively

Any blemish on your body can bother you, but stretch marks are kind of in a class all by themselves. This may be due to the (unfair!) stigma associated with them that leaves people whispering about failed diets, lazy habits and other falsehoods. Stretch marks can certainly leave a scar on your psyche, so it's time you did something about them: The Origins Of Stretch Marks You've heard stretch marks can happen with weight fluctuations, such as during pregnancy, but sometimes these scars appear with a seeming randomness that defies circumstance.

Five Fabulous Reasons To Get Married In Las Vegas

If you and your beloved are planning on exchanging your vows at some point in the coming year, you may be understandably apprehensive about planning and orchestrating the ceremony and reception. While some couples love the hustle and bustle of the planning process, others prefer to craft a different experience. If you fall into the latter category, you and your soon-to-be spouse should consider eloping to Las Vegas. Besides great nightlife and an over-the-top glamorous ambiance, Las Vegas has many other attractions for couples who come there to tie the knot.